What Gives You The Right to Play Small?
How often have you said to yourself, “I’m only one person, how can I possibly make a difference?” here in my second interview with Christine Till I talk about my 26 week step by step coaching program “The Master Key System” also known as “Transformation Steps.” Listen here!
With 2015 fast approaching, now is a perfect time to begin your journey of transformation. I want to invite you to register now and get my one-time special offer! My Silva Genius graduates can get The Master Key System full package offer for only $597 instead of the full package price of $2050 that is a total savings of $1453 Wow over 70% savings! Sale offer valid until January 15, 2015.
My special New Year’s offer for everyone!
Anyone who registers now and prepays for the Silva UltraMind ESP System live 2 day Seminar can also get this special one-time offer for The Master Key System! Check my website calendar for dates available in 2015.
Sale offer valid only until January 15, 2015.
Next 2 day Silva class is January 31 and February 1, 2015.
I know that with my guided step by step coaching system anyone can achieve the results they are wanting. If you can think it, you have the power to achieve it.
I have brought together the best of what I have used and learned over 20 years into the Master Key coaching system. You will learn the best of the best to help you transform your life to attain the success you have perhaps only been dreaming of. Now it’s your time to take action and bring your desires into reality. You choose.
I have coached and mentored many people just like you to achieve their goals, build successful businesses and create better balance, peace and liberty in their personal and professional lives.
“To reach your goals and live your dreams, take the Master Key now!”
Sale offer valid until January 15, 2015.
Podcast: Click here to Listen!
Blessed with miracles continuously,
with Gratitude
Coach Paul Sahota