Psychic Ability or ESP? YES you have it! We all do.

The bigger question is are you using yours? Do you know how? Are you open to learning how? Silva UltraMind ESP Systems can teach you to develop your own psychic ability, intuition, your guide, your angels, your personal genie, whatever you call your inner voice and guiding system.

The great news is you can effectively learn and experience this in our two day workshop. Followed by simple daily practice to build your own psychic muscles. Lately many people I have chatted with are saying, “I saw a psychic” or “I have an appointment to see a psychic” or funnier still is “I have to wait till January to see this psychic they are so good they are booked up until then and I made the appointment back in August” Why give away your innate God given gift and your own personal power to someone else?

Too often in life we are so busy “doing” everything, we forgot how to “be”. We are human beings, not human doings. Learn the Be, Do, Have method to get everything you want in your life. Learn deep relaxation and meditation that works.

“The reason we were given psychic ability is so we can use it to get information from higher intelligence to find out what we are supposed to do, and how to do it.” ~ Jose Silva

Jose Silva was not the first person to see this. Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich and You Can Work Your Own Miracles who conducted more than 20 years of research on the wealthiest and most successful people in the world, wrote the following insight in his book You Can Work Your Own Miracles (Fawcett Gold Medal Books, 1971):
“I began to make inquiries of the hundreds of successful men who collaborated with me in the organization of the science of success, and discovered that each of them had received guidance from unknown sources, although many of them were reluctant to admit this discovery.” ~ Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill explained that he believes that successful people, including pioneers like Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison, are able to tap into a higher power to source ideas and inspiration. This, he felt, was one of the main keys to success for anyone.

Scientific testing has now proven these ideas and observations to be fact, by Professor John Mihalasky, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology performed studies of Extrasensory Perception (ESP) ability among company CEOs. He observed that the CEOs who performed the best in tests of intuition also tended to be the ones with the best success rates at running their business (measured in terms of 5 year profit growth).

ESP is indeed a powerful way for us to connect with higher intelligence to help us source ideas, make better decisions, and find our greatest and highest purpose in life.

Napoleon Hill’s discovery has now become reality for anyone willing to learn. Hill, who wrote of his discoveries a number of years before Jose Silva, did not determine how to train people to gain this ability. However Jose Silva changed that when he pioneered the Silva UltraMind ESP Systems training method beginning in the 1940’s and continuing through to public release in the 1960’s making Napoleon Hill’s observations a reality for the any person.

Shakti Gawain, author of numerous books, including Creative Visualization (Bantam Books, 1983) and Living in the Light (Bantam Books, 1993), had this to say about Jose Silva:

“One of the earliest workshops I took was the Silva Mind Control course…The most important technique I learned in that course was the basic technique of creative visualization… Our rational mind is like a computer…The intuitive mind, on the other hand, seems to give access to an infinite supply of information. It appears to be able to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom…” ~ Shakti Gawain

Today, anyone can learn to tap into this source of knowledge and wisdom to get intuitive hunches, creative ideas and divine inspiration. If Napoleon Hill and Jose Silva are correct, then it may well be the most powerful and useful gift you possess.

Albert Einstein summed it up perfectly with, “The only really valuable thing is intuition.” And “Imagination is everything”.

Tap into your own psychic abilities and own it!

Better and better,

Paul Sahota
Silva Genius and Instructor