[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]Since the age of nine I have been playing many different sports. My favorite sport to play is basketball and I excelled even though my height was not NBA professional material. I was very similar to my favourite Canadian athlete Steve Nash. I won many MVP awards and team awards because I had the drive and determination to excel.
My coaching of others to also excel began at this early age. I developed an unstoppable “can do” attitude to everything I did in my life By 1996 I was married with two small children and was introduced to formalized Personal Development. I began taking many courses and programs and this lead me to becoming a Certified Professional Coach.
Coaching others comes naturally to me and I love to engage with people and open their minds to what’s possible. Along the way I have developed my uncanny intuitive ability to help my clients get very quickly to the heart of the matter. I love being in service to others and extremely rewarding to be compensated for what I do for them.
My daily goal is to leave everyone and anyone I interact each day is with; a feeling of increase.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]When you understand what life coaching is you will want to have a skilled coach. Imagine you are an aspiring athlete, who really wants to enhance his/her sports abilities and skill level to accomplish amazing outcomes. While the athlete could be driven, enthusiastic as well as love his/her sport, playing perhaps at the local, national or international level, will certainly require the accountability and support of a coach or trainer.
Now apply this very same concept to your life as a whole. While you could be comfy and content with your current results, my part as a coach is to take you to a whole brand-new level where more self-confidence, improved results and better success can be yours.
To enhance your life to that of an amazing level of growth, will take being accountable, committed, consistent effort, determination, and belief in yourself to what’s possible![/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]No. Coaching is another means of assistance, it operates on a concept of facilitating in two unique ways.
First with your current reality as well as future-focused, generally not including any past behaviors, and second it is client-driven. A collective relationship connection between coach and client. Where the client has their answers, not the coach.
If you can ask a question, you have your own answer, my job as your coach is to assist you with drawing your own answers out.
Making use of the previous example of the athlete, allows you to consider where the athlete began initially. This individual does not employ a coach or trainer until he/she is physically/emotionally/
Physiotherapy rehab will certainly be required if he/she experiences a knee injury. The very same applies to his/her emotional and mental wellness. It goes without saying that healing therapeutic assistance of a therapist is called for if anxiety or fear is preventing the athlete from moving ahead from trauma or body abuse from the past.
Transformational Life coaching is an interactive support relationship that compliments other forms of therapy but is unique in its approach. If you really want to make adjustments and create different results for the better, you do have to be committed![/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]I am a causal agent of transformation. People do not like change, they can only transform when and if they choose to.
Coaching can be separated into many specialized areas such as career, financial, physical, health, wellness, emotional, family, relationships, social, spiritual, corporate, business, executives, teams, etc…
Balance is the key. My commitment as a transformational coach is one-of-a-kind in that I focus on the whole bigger picture of personal and professional development of my client. With all clients I have a process of transformation that supports self-realization, self-discovery and self-improvement.
My Ideal coaching client is…Anyone searching to find themselves. Ready for real change and committed to their life by design.
I attract inspired individuals that aren’t going to settle for a mundane life devoid of abundance, balance, happiness, health and wealth.
The only limitations in life are the ones we place on ourselves.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]Get a Transformational Life Coach! Figure out what you want in your own life and begin to live it.
The number one reason for regrets I hear from my clients is they are living someone else’s desires or dreams. Unmet expectations take their toll on everyone. I have no attachment to you choosing me. I do strongly urge you to find a coach that resonates with you.
How can I be certain that this will lead me to a happier and more meaningful life?
If you are willing to be open to hearing different points of view and ideas on how to handle your life, opportunities will present themselves to you. Be open and let go of the self-sabotage or complacency. Commit to yourself and let me guide you through your own self-discovery, invest in yourself. My job as your coach is to help you get there by providing accountability, support, and being neutral.
Can you be certain that left on your own you will make new or different choices? Having the support of a great coach can make all the difference in how day to day life is handled and perceived. Taking daily baby steps can lead to a happier and more fulfilled life.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]Generally, all my clients are self-motivated and prepared to do whatever it takes to live the life they truly want.
While I would love to coach every person, I understand people have varying degrees of commitment and desire, I am here to be in service to those that are ready to transform. I deliver open honest direct communication with every client, and if the client is not willing to do the same, please choose another coach.
In order to maintain Coach / Client confidentiality and integrity I have a private and secured custom website. I do not share or sell any client information. I will resolve any issues that threaten the confidentiality, integrity of the coach-client relationship right away. I will honor my Code of Ethics by dealing with any issues in a prompt and professional manner.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]I am so thankful you asked. The response is yes, and that return is based on you. Wealth and success is not just about money. Everything is value based. When value is there we will find the funds to acquire whatever we desire.
The big question to ask is: what will it cost me to NOT to take a bold step in my life to create change and results?
Invest in yourself, be open and willing to transform through consistent daily actions. Who is driving your bus? Who are your passengers? Do you have the relationships that you want? Do you have support, tools, vehicle to get you to your desired destination? If not now, when?[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]This will depend on which Coaching path you are choosing to invest in. Anywhere from just one private coach call a week or as you choose to schedule them, biweekly, monthly, etc.
The Master Key System program will initially require more time in the first week and then will be on average 15 to 30 minutes a day for the program action steps, totally about 2 to 5 hours / week. Partly that will depend on how committed you choose to be. Initially you may invest more time in the planning and implementing. This will be a rewarding trade off as you perhaps learn new habits and patterns.
You say your life is hectic now, what will shift or change in the immediate foreseeable future to improve this current situation? Your biggest challenge maybe unsupportive thought processes that are limiting.
That said, I do recognize just how challenging this can be. We will work on how to create better balance.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]Yes, review the Testimonials, Endorsements and Recommendations found here on my website. These are all real people who can be found by searching or Googling their names. In reference to client confidentiality the public posted comments are their shares. Please first contact me directly for an introduction.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]